Family Office Breakfast with Israeli Fund of Hedge Funds - Sharpe Alpha

Family Office Breakfast with Israeli Fund of Hedge Funds - Sharpe Alpha

Family Office Breakfast with Israeli Fund of Hedge Funds - Sharpe Alpha
  • 6 April 2017, 23:24

Dear family offices and similar institutional investors,

Please join us for a Family Office Breakfast with Israeli Fund of Hedge Funds - Sharpe Alpha on the morning of April 6.

The organizers and sponsors of the event are National Alternative Investment Management Association, Moscow Hedge Fund Managers’ Club, and Europe Finance.

The link to the registration is also here:

Everyone has to register and the guest list is strictly controlled as this is a closed event. So if you do not go through the registration process and are not on the guest list, you will not be admitted.
Please note the following:
- Family offices and similar institutional investors get ONE free pass. In order to receive the free pass, you have to write back and request the Promo-code for free registration.

 - Other guests may purchase a ticket upon registration (RUB 4900). Members of NAIMA and representatives of hedge funds may acquire a ticket at the discount price of RUB 3,900. 

Looking forward to seeing you at the event!
